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MarkBind Syntax Overview

[_User Guide → MarkBind Syntax Overview_](markBindSyntaxOverview.html)

MarkBind Syntax Overview

A MarkBind source file may contain a mix of several popular syntax schemes used in creating web pages. MarkBind source file can be as simple as basic Markdown, and you can use progressively more complicated syntax to create progressively more sophisticated Web pages while optimizing other aspects such as content reuse.

Given below is an overview of the syntax schemes supported by MarkBind.

Exact usage of various MarkBind syntax is described in separate sections such as User Guide → Formatting Contents

Support for Markdown

MarkBind supports all basic Markdown syntax.

Some examples ...

Support for GFMD

MarkBind supports additional Markdown features provided by GitHub-Flavored Markdown (GFMD).

Some examples ...

MarkBind Extensions to Markdown

MarkBind adds several Markdown-like features on top of GFMD.

Some examples ...

MarkBind Custom Syntax

Given below are some examples of custom syntax added by MarkBind.

Nunjucks variables are ideal for reusing small bits of code in multiple places; you can define a variable to represent the code bit in question and reuse it anywhere in the site by referring to the variable instead of duplicating the code bit.

MarkBind has a powerful <include> mechanism which allows you to create documents by combining other content fragments.

MarkBind provides a number of components (e.g., expandable panels, tabbed displays, navigation bars, etc.) that you can use to enhance the appearance/behavior of your pages.

Support for HTML, JavaScript, CSS

A MarkBind source file can contain a mixture of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS as a normal web page would.

MarkBind Vue components and Bootstrap

MarkBind has several core Vue.js components built on the popular BootStrap framework. Much of Bootstrap's features are supported in and out of these components as well.

Support for Nunjucks

Nunjucks is a JavaScript based templating tool. Here is a simple example:

{% for item in [1, 2, 3, 4] %}
  <li>Item {{ item }}</li>
{% endfor %}

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3
  • Item 4

As MarkBind uses Nunjucks behind the scene, MarkBind is generally compatible with Nunjucks, which means you can use Nunjucks templating in your source files. Note that the code is processed for Nunjucks syntax before the rest of the MarkBind syntax are processed.

  1. Here is the footnote. Footnotes will appear at the bottom of the page.

  2. Here's one with multiple blocks.

    Subsequent paragraphs are indented to show that they belong to the previous footnote.

  3. Inline notes are easier to write, since you don't have to pick an identifier and move down to type the note.